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Revana Alexana Corazon del Sol

Organic Farming

Revana Estate is organically farmed. Dr. Revana has made the commitment to continual investment in the land. Infusing purpose into legacy, he has transitioned the entire portfolio, from Oregon to Argentina, to practices that foster all life in his care. Just as he’s treated his patients over the last 40 years of medical practice - First, do no harm.

Soil vitality is our focus. Healthy soil produces complex wines. After the grapes are harvested, we begin replenishing our vineyard by applying organic compost and allow a diverse range of native plants to thrive during the winter and restore balance in our Revana Estate vineyard.

Fostering all life on our 8 acre oasis, we use a diverse mix (over 26 species) of permanent cover crop on the vineyard floor and the placement of flowering plants provides a pollinator bank for beneficial insects.  Raptor perches and bluebird boxes are also integrated to add further natural layers of protection to the distinguished fruit this land produces.

Our choices are a passionate effort to maintain rich ecology in our vineyard to produce wines of the highest caliber and complexity. We believe the most compelling wines are treated as sacred throughout their journey, from vine to bottle.

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